The College operates Monday through Friday, 25 weeks per semester, closing only for a two-week summer vacation which includes the Independence Day (July 4th) holiday. Hours of operation are as follows:
All students are expected to maintain regular attendance throughout both semesters, despite South Carolina's minimal legal attendance requirements. However, students are routinely excused in order to accommodate family vacations and an extensive variety of off-campus educational, athletic, and cultural opportunities.
The minimum term of enrollment is one full semester. However, due to the fact that each student is accorded an individualized curriculum, enrollment may begin at any time during the school year. Tuition is due and payable at the beginning of each term. Tuition fees for each student from a family are as follows:
Those students whose parents participate in regularly scheduled seminars to inquire, with directors of the College and other seminar participants, into the philosophical foundations of an objective, scientific approach to the satisfaction of each student’s needs, in both the home and the classroom environments, may be enrolled at a significantly reduced tuition. These relatively low tuition fees reflect the fact that the New Banner Institute underwrites 75% of the tuition for each student from a participating family as a cost of the Institute's ongoing research. Therefore, these scholarships are awarded to each student independently of the family's financial condition. The net tuition fees for each student from a participating family are as follows:
The College of Early Learning does not honor or accept any government-issued school “vouchers” or other any other form of financial assistance from federal, state, or local governments. (The College will assist students who need financial assistance to obtain “vouchers” or scholarships from private sources.) The school's owner is protected by the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution from forced compliance with licensing or regulatory requirements which might otherwise tend to compromise the owner's commitment to providing each child with an optimal educational experience and a genuine alternative to a public-school education. Unencumbered by a licensing requirement to act as an agent of government, the school acts in loco parentis, pursuant to written contracts with parents which establish the primary requirement to act in the best interests of the individual students. The school's directors are bound only by their pledges to a Professional Code of Ethics which requires that they never compromise the best interests of the student. Consequently, the academic success and emotional well-being of each student are the only considerations which constrain the College in the development and maintenance of the Environment for Discovery.